Institute of Visual Informatics

Selected Publications in Year 2019

  • Nita Rosa Damayanti, Nazlena Mohamad Ali, Ely Salwana Mat Surin. 2019. Technology acceptance among older adults with mild cognitive impairement. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 1339. 1-7.
  • Lutfun Nahar, Azizah Jaafar, Riza Sulaiman. 2019. Usability evaluation of a mobile phone based braille learning application mbraille. Malaysian Journal of Computer Science. 2019. 108-117.
  • Manal A. Mizher, Riza Sulaiman, Ayman M. Abdalla, Manar A. Mizher. 2019. An improved simple flexible cryptosystem for textured 3D objects with texture map and images. Journal of Information Security and Applications. 49. 390-409.
  • Kohilah Miundy, Halimah Badioze Zaman, Aliimran Nordin, Marina Kher Hui Ng. 2019. Evaluation of visual based augmented reality (AR) learning application (V-ARA-Dculia) for dyscalculia learners. JOIV : International Journal on Informatics Visualization. 3. 343-354
  • Azrulhizam Shapii, Mohammad Khatim Hasan, Riza Sulaiman. 2019. Total ankle replacement digital templating method. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE). 1-6
  • Ehab Azhary Seed Ahmed, Mohammad Nazir Ahmad, Siti Hajar Othman. 2019. Business process improvement method in healthcare: a comparative study. International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance. 1-27
  • Razatulshima Ghazali, Mohammad Nazir Ahmad, Darshana Sedera, Nor Hidayati Zakaria. 2019. The mediating role of knowledge integration model for enterprise systems success. Journal of Enterprise Information Management.
  • Manar Abduljabbar Ahmad Mizher, Mei Choo Ang, Siti Norul Huda Sheikh Abdullah, Kok Weng Ng. 2019. An improved action key frames extraction algorithm for complex colour video shot summarization. Journal of Information and Communication Technology. 143-166
  • Muhammad Mahboob Khursid, Nor Hidayati Zakaria, Ammar Rashid, Rafaqat Kazmi, Muhammad Noman Shafique, Mohammad Nazir Ahmad. 2019. Analyzing diffusion patterns of big open data as policy innovation in public sector. Computers and Electrical Engineering. 148-161
  • Mohammad Hossein Homaei, Ely Salwana, Shahaboddin Shamshirband. 2019. An enhanced distributed data aggregation method in the internet of things. Sensors. 1-26
  • Furkh Zeshan, Radziah Mohamad, Mohammad Nazir Ahmad, Marini Othman, Arafat Abdulgader Mohammed Elhag, Syed Asad Hussain, Adnan Ahmad, Amjad Ali, Mehmood Ashraf, Imran Babar. 2019. Context-aware ontology and web services discovery for distributed embedded real-time systems. Malaysian Journal of Computer Science. 186-208
  • Zuraini Zainol, Puteri N.E. Nohuddin, Nadhirah Rasid, Hamidah Alias, A. Imran Nordin. 2019. Relationship analysis on the experience of hospitalised paediatric cancer patient in malaysia using text analytics approach. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications. 72-79
  • Z. Zulkifli, E. Salwana, A. A. Salahuddin, N. H. M. Daud. 2019. The effect of information seeking behavior on online database usage among the undergraduate students. International Review of Applied Sciences and Engineering. 193-206
  • Suraya Yaacob, Nazlena Mohamad Ali, Norshita Mat Nayan, Hai-Ning Liang, Ibrahim Ahmad, Roslina Ibrahim, Nur Azaliah Abu Bakar. 2019. Visual analytics evaluation process: practice guidelines for complex domain. Malaysian Journal of Computer Science. 118-134
  • Saeed Samadianfard, Salar Jarhan, Ely Salwana, Amir Mosavi, Shahaboddin Shamshirband, Shatirah Akib. 2019. Support vector regression integrated with fruit fly optimization algorithm for river flow forecasting in lake Urmia Basin. Water. 1-15
  • Muhammad Yudhi Rezaldi, Rabiah Abdul Kadir, Mohamad Taha Ijab, Azlina Ahmad. 2019. A Review on Flood Modelling Tools for Transformation of Spatial and Non-Spatial Data to 3D Geovisualization. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology. 197-206
  • Norul Maslissa Ahmad, Nazlena Mohamad Ali, Ang Mei Choo. 2019. Development of a web based virtual forest environment to increase threatened plant species awareness. Asia-Pacific Journal of Information Technology and Multimedia. 31-40
  • Hanif Baharin, Norhayati Yusof, Suzilah Ismail, Fazillah Mohmad Kamal. 2019. Inducing mimicry through auditory icons. Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems. 1218-1229
  • Fazillah Mohmad Kamal, Idyawati Hussein, Azham Hussain, Emmanuel O.C. Mkpojiogu, Hanif Baharin. 2019. User experience design (UXD) community of practice in malaysia and their practice constraints: a participatory action research. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering. 505-514
  • Yunis Ali Ahmed, Mohammad Nazir Ahmad, Norasnita Ahmad, Nor Hidayati Zakaria. 2019. Social media for knowledge-sharing: a systematic literature review. Telematics and Informatics.
  • Mohamad Taha Ijab, Ely Salwana Mat Surin, Norshita Mat Nayan. 2019. Conceptualizing big data quality framework from a systematic literature review perspective. Malaysian Journal of Computer Science. 25-37
  • Muhammad Sobri, Poppy Indriani, Mohamad Taha Ijab, Isnawijani, Marlindawati. 2019. Development of inventory information system using enterprise architecture planning method. International Journal on Informatics Visualization 1-7
  • Erman Hamid, Nazrulazhar Bahaman, Azizah Jaafar, Ang Mei Choo, Akhdiat Abdul Malek. 2019. Development of home network sustainable interface tools. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications. 72-76
  • A. Imran Nordin; Irna Hamil Hamzah; Nadhirah Rasid; Hanif Baharin; Puteri Nor Ellyza Nohuddin; Hamidah Alias; Nor Hazla Mohamed Hafsah; Nor Bayah Abdul Kadir; Maizatul Hayati Mohammad Yatim; Mohd Yazid Kassim. 2019. Game requirements gathering among hospitalised paediatric cancer patients: a thematic analysis. Malaysian Journal of Computer Science. 79-91
  • Kohilah Miundy, Halimah Badioze Zaman, Aliimran Nordin, Kher Hui Ng. 2019. Screening test on dyscalculia learners to develop a suitable augmented reality (ar) assistive learning application. Malaysian Journal of Computer Science. 92-107
  • Zuraini Zainol, Puteri N.E. Nohuddin, Nur Diyana Kamarudin, Angela S.H. Lee & Sharyar Wani. 2019. Relationship Analysis of Formal and Experiential Learning in Military Survival Skills Using Text Mining. Defence S&T Technical Bulletin (STRIDE). 267-280
  • Siti Sarah Maidin, Marini Othman, Mohammad Nazir Ahmad, Norzariyah Yahya. 2019. Governance of the flood disaster framework in Malaysia: a way forward in enabling information technology knowledge sharing. Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems. 1533-1541
  • Rabiatul A. A. Rashid, Puteri N. E. Nohuddin, Zuraini Zainol. 2019. Analyzing climate variability in Malaysia using association rule mining. International Journal of Engineering & Technology. 394-397
  • Wan M.U. Noormanshah, Puteri N.E. Nohuddin, Zuraini Zainol. 2019. Document categorization using decision tree: preliminary study. International Journal of Engineering & Technology. 437-440
  • Narishah Mohamed Salleh, Puteri N.E Nohuddin. 2019. Optimization of Software Requirement Process: An Integrated Conceptual Model of Lean Six Sigma and Requirement Planning. International Review of Applied Sciences and Engineering. 125-133
  • Amir Mosavia, Shahaboddin, Ely Salwana, Kwok-wing Chau, Joseph H. M. Taha. 2019. Prediction of multi-inputs bubble column reactor using a novel hybridmodel of computational fluid dynamics and machine learning. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics. 482-492
  • Nur Ani, Handri Naprisson, Nazlena Mohamad Ali. 2019. Measuring usability and purchase intention for online travel booking: a case study. International Review of Applied Sciences and Engineering. 165-171
  • Manal A. Mizher, Riza Sulaiman, Ayman M.Abdalla, Manar A.Mizher. 2019. An improved simple flexible cryptosystem for 3D objects with texture maps and 2D images. Journal of Information Security and Applications. 390-409
  • Riza Sulaiman, Marlinawati Djasmir, Mohd Fahmi Mohamad Amran. 2019. COMSEG technique for MRI knee cartilage segmentation. International Review of Applied Sciences and Engineering Journal. 147-155
  • Hossien Riahi-Madvar, Majid Dehghani, Akram Seifi, Ely Salwana, Shahaboddin Shamshirband, Amir Mosavi, Kwok-wing Chau. 2019. Comparative analysis of soft computing techniques RBF, MLP, and ANFIS with MLR and MNLR for predicting grade-control scour hole geometry. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics. 529-550
  • Lee Thian Seng, Riza Sulaiman. 2019. Preliminary analysis of wireless collaborative network on mobile devices. Journal of Information and Communication Technology. 327-343
  • Usman Musa Zakari Usman, Mohammad Nazir Ahmad, Nor Hidayati Zakaria. 2019. Determinants of adoption of cloud-based ERP of Nigerian’s SMEs manufacturing sector using TOE framework and DOI theory. International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems. 27-43
  • Mohamad Hidir Mhd Salim, Nazlena Mohamad Ali, Mohamad Taha Ijab. 2019. Understanding students’ motivation and learning strategies to redesign MOOCs based on persuasive system development. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), 10(12), pp. 234-241.
  • Nazlena Mohamad Ali, Mohd Shukuri Mohamad Ali. 2019. Evaluation of Students’ Acceptance of the Leap Motion Hand Gesture Application in Teaching Biochemistry. 2019 2nd International Conference on new Trends in Computing Sciences (ICTCS)
  • Ummul Hanan Mohamad. 2019. Comparison of user-centered design antibiotic resistance awareness app to existing antibiotic-related mobile applications. Advances in Visual Informatics
  • Nasrah Hassan Basri, Wan Adilah Wan Adnan, Hanif Baharin. 2019. E-participation service in Malaysian e-government website: the user experience evaluation. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on E-Education, E-Business, E-Management and E-Learning
  • Nasrah Hassan Basri, Wan Adilah Wan Adnan, Hanif Baharin. 2019. System usability scale evaluation of e-participation in Malaysia. 21st International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction
  • Hanif Baharin, Hafiz Mastro. 2019. Augmenting circle dance with physical computing. 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
  • Billy Hendrik, Nazlena Mohamad Ali, Riza Sulaiman, Mardhiah Masril, Harry Theozard Fikri. 2019.Relationship between intellectual intelligence, figural creativity, and innovation. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Intervention and Applied Psychology, Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research
  • Mary Ting, Rabiah Abdul Kadir, Azreen Azman, Tengku Mohd Tengku Sembok, Fatimah Ahmad. 2019. Named entity enrichment based on subject-object anaphora resolution. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
  • Chit Su Mon, Kian Meng Yap, Azlina Ahmad. 2019. A preliminary study on requirements of olfactory, haptic and audio enabled application for visually impaired in edutainment. International Conference on Computer Applications and Industrial Electronics (ICCAIE)
  • Nur Haidar Hanafi, Puteri Nor Ellyza Nohuddin. 2019. Longevity risk profiling based on non-disease specific risk factors using association rules mining. The 6th International Visual Informatics Conference 2019
  • Narishah Mohamed Salleh, Puteri N.E Nohuddin. 2019. Hybrid requirement elicitation techniques with lean six sigma methodology for an enhanced framework. The 6th International Visual Informatics Conference 2019
  • Wydyanto, Norshita Mat Nayan, Riza Sulaiman. 2019. Preliminary simulation of robot on script detection from camera images. Advances in Visual Informatics 6th International Visual Informatics Conference, IVIC 2019 Bangi, Malaysia, November 19-21, 2019 Proceedings
  • Mohammad Azli Jamhar, Ely Salwana, Zahidah Zulkifli, Norshita Mat Nayan, Noryusliza Abdullah. 2019. Prediction of learning disorder: a-systematic review. International Visual Informatics Conference
  • Nurul Saadah Zawawi, Ely Salwana, Zahidah Zulkifli, Norshita Mat Nayan. 2019. Systematic literature review of prediction techniques to identify work skillset. International Visual Informatics Conference
  • Muhammad Sobri, Mohamad Taha Ijab, Norshita Mat Nayan. 2019. Usability evaluation of heart disease monitoring mobile applications a comparative study. 6th International Visual Informatics Conference 2019
  • Ahmed Sedik Hassan Mohammed, Zahidah Zulkifli, Ely Salwana Mat Surin. 2019. The factors that influence the reading habit among Malaysian: a systematic literature review. International Visual Informatics Conference 2019
  • Muhammad Sobri, Mohamad Taha Ijab, Norshita Mat Nayan. 2019. Integration of haptics tactile feedback into heart disease monitoring mobile application: a conceptual model. The Fifth Information Systems International Conference 2019
  • Anis Nur Assila Rozmi, Mohd Izhar A. Bakar, Abdul Razak Abdul Hadi, A. Imran Nordin. 2019. Investigating the intentions to adopt ICT in Malaysian SMEs using the UTAUT model. 6th International Visual Informatics Conference 2019, Advances in Visual Informatics
  • Nur Syaza Zainali, Mei Choo Ang, Kok Weng Ng, Mohamad Taha Ijab. 2019. A framework for sustainable eco-friendly product development based on TRIZ. Proceedings of the 6th International Visual Informatics Conference, IVIC 2019,
  • Halimah Badioze Zaman, Alan F. Smeaton, Shih, Timothy K. Shih, Sergio Velastin, Tada Terutoshi, Nazlena Mohamad Ali, Mohammad Nazir Ahmad. 2019. Advances in Visual Informatics. Advances in Visual Informatics, 6th International Visual Informatics Conference (IVIC 2019)
  • Kohilah Miundy, Halimah Badioze Zaman, Aliimran Nordin, Kher Hui Ng. 2019. Early intervention through identification of learners with dyscalculia as initial analysis to design AR assistive learning application. Advances in Visual Informatics, 6th International Visual Informatics Conference (IVIC 2019)
  • Nurul Muizzah Johari, Halimah Badioze Zaman, Puteri N. E. Nohuddin. 2019. Ascertain quality attributes for design and development of new improved chatbots to assess Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI): a preliminary study. Advances in Visual Informatics, 6th International Visual Informatics Conference (IVIC 2019)
  • Halimah B.Z., Azlina A., Aliimran N., Hamidah Y., A. Aliza, M. C. Ang, N. Azwan S., S. Riza, C. M. Normazidah, J. Azizah,W. Wahiza.M. A. Nazlena,K. Fauzanita,N. Puteri Nor Ellyza,H. Baharin,I. Mohamad Taha,A. K. Rabiah,M. N. Norshita, Ummul, Ely Salwana. 2019. Computational Thinking (CT) problem solving orientation based on Logic-Decomposition-Abstraction (LDA) by rural elementary school children using visual-based presentations. Advances in Visual Informatics, 6th International Visual Informatics Conference 2019.
  • Ijab, M. T. 2019. A Process Model for Green Information System Innovation, 6th International Conference on Research and Innovation in Information Systems (ICRIIS2019), 2-3 Dec 2019, Johor Bharu, Malaysia.
  • Ijab, M. T., Wahab, S. M., Mohamad Salleh, A., & Abu Bakar, A. 2019. Investigating Big Data Analytics Readiness in Higher Education Using the Technology-Organisation-Environment (TOE) Framework, 6th International Conference on Research and Innovation in Information Systems (ICRIIS2019), 2-3 Dec 2019, Johor Bharu, Malaysia.