Institute of Visual Informatics

Postgraduate Programmes

Institute of IR4.0 (IIR4.0) was established with objectives to integrate multidisciplinary areas encompassing areas such as mixed reality and human computer interaction, simulation and modeling, intelligent data analytics, and system integration and IoT. Inline with objectives above, IIR4.0 has drafted four focused research areas: Simulation and Modeling, Mixed Reality and HCI, System Integration and IOT, and Intelligent Data Analytics. IIR4.0 offers masters program by research and doctor of philosophy program in the field of IR.40.

Programmes offered at Institute of IR4.0 are as follows:
  • Doctor of Philosophy
  • Master of Science
Specialisation in:
Doctor of Philosophy Mode of Study Registration Status Expert Join Now
Simulation and Modeling Research Only Full Time & Part Time Prof. Ir. Dr. Riza Sulaiman Apply Now
Mixed Reality and HCI Research Only Full Time & Part Time Prof. Dr. Haslina Arshad Apply Now
System Integration and IOT Research Only Full Time & Part Time Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohamad Hanif Saad Apply Now
Intelligent Data Analytics Research Only Full Time & Part Time Associate Prof. Dr Rabiah Abdul Kadir Apply Now









 1. Calon yang ingin memohon untuk mengikuti program Ijazah Sarjana hendaklah mempunyai kelayakan seperti berikut:
     Master’s programmes should have the following qualification:

a. Ijazah Sarjanamuda Teknologi Maklumat/Sains Komputer daripada Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia atau mana-mana institut pengajian tinggi dengan memperoleh Purata Nilai Gred dan Kumulatif (PNGK) sekurang-kurangnya 2.75, yang diluluskan oleh Senat; atau

A Bachelor Degree in Information Technology / Computer Science from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia or other universities approved by the Senate with a good Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of at least 2.75; or

b. Kelulusan lain yang setaraf dengan ijazah Sarjana muda dan mempunyai kelayakan lain atau pengalaman, yang diluluskan oleh Senat.

Other relevant qualifications or experience approved by the Senate.

2. Calon yang ingin memohon untuk mengikuti program Doktor Falsafah hendaklah mempunyai kelayakan seperti berikut:
     Doctor of Philosophy programmes should have the following qualification:

a. Ijazah Sarjana Teknologi Maklumat/Sains Komputer daripada Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia atau mana-mana institut pengajian tinggi dengan memperoleh Purata Nilai Gred dan Kumulatif (PNGK) sekurang-kurangnya 3.0, yang diluluskan oleh Senat; atau

A Master Degree in Information Technology / Computer Science from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia or other universities approved by the Senate with a good Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of at least 3.0; or

b. Kelayakan lain yang berkaitan atau pengalaman, yang diluluskan oleh Senat; atau 

Other relevant qualifications or experience supported by institute’s Postgraduate Committee and/or approved by the Senate or

c. Sedang mengikuti Program Sarjana Sains (Informatik Visual) di Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia dan disokong oleh Jawatankuasa Siswazah institut untuk menukar program pengajian kepada Program Doktor Falsafah, yang diluluskan oleh Senat. 

Currently enrolled in Master of Science (Visual Informatics) from University Kebangsaan Malaysia and supported by institute’s Postgraduate Committee to convert to Doctor of Philosophy programme, which approved by the Senate.





1. Calon luar negara diwajibkan memenuhi syarat keperluan Bahasa Inggeris seperti berikut (tertakluk kepada perubahan daripada PS):

International students are required to fulfill the English language requirement as follows (subject to changes from the PPS):


a. Mendapat keputusan TOEFL dengan skor tidak kurang daripada 550 atau IELTS dengan aras tidak kurang daripada 5.5 bagi program tertentu.

Score not less than 550 in TOEFL or not less than 5.5 in IELTS for a particular programme.

2. Institut boleh memberi pengecualian syarat keperluan Bahasa Inggeris kepada calon luar negara yang berasal dari negara yang Bahasa Inggeris adalah bahasa rasminya atau yang memiliki kelayakan akademik yang diperolehi dari mana-mana institusi pengajian tinggi yang menggunakan Bahasa Inggeris sebagai bahasa pengantar. 

Faculty/Institute may grant exceptions to the English requirement for local and international students from countries with English as the official language or have academic qualifications obtained from institutions that use English as a medium of instruction.

Postgraduate Guidelines (2019 Edition)

Research Areas in Postgraduate Studies

Peraturan-peraturan Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (Pengajian Siswazah)

To obtain an offer letter, please apply at UKM Graduate Admission Application System (GUEST)