Institute of Visual Informatics

Institute of Visual Informatics (IVI)

Leading Digital Technology Across Industrial Revolution

Mesej daripada Pengarah

Let me welcome you to the Institute of Visual Informatics (IVI), formerly known as IVI

Visual Informatics represents one of the most challenging and inspiring areas of research in computer science and Information Technology. Currently, more that 50% of content on the Internet is in the form of visual data and information and more than 50% of the neurons in the human brain are used in visual perception and reasoning. It is therefore timely that the Senate and Board of Directors of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia or National University of Malaysia approved the establishment of the Institute of Visual Informatics on 1st July 2012. IVI offers Masters and Doctoral (PhD) Programmes in the field of Visual Informatics.

Our goals

  • To make Malaysia generally and UKM specifically, the indisputable internationally leading country and university respectively, in four focused areas of Visual Informatics: Visual computing, real time virtual image processing, computer vision and simulation, and social visual informatics.
  • To enhance the overall profile of the four thrusts areas to lead internationally in research and innovations.
  • To raise research of the institute to an internationally visible level in visual computing and virtual environments.
  • To build the capacity in visual informatics in the changing global landscape of Computer Science and Information Technology.
  • Raising international standing in terms of research quality and scientific impact in areas of visual informatics.
  • Promoting long term and sustainable relationships and collaborations with other institutions through existing research network, eg. Malaysian Research Education Network (MyREN), and the international conferences, eg. International Conference on Visual Informatics (IVIC) (that is conducted once every two years).
  • Development of industrial research with industry and other stakeholders to raise the creation of intellectual property (IP) such as patents based on Visual Informatics research and innovation through ‘spin-off’ or ‘start-up’ companies.

The Institute is privileged to have a credible International Advisory Board comprising of high profile individuals from academia and industry both nationally and internationally that represent countries from United Kingdom (UK), Europe, Taiwan, and Malaysia.

Fellows and Associate Fellows of the Institute are experienced researchers (100% Doctoral Degree (PhD) holders) who are all passionate and dedicated to their respective fields of research. They are recipients of various research and innovation awards both at the national and international levels. Some of the awards are the :World WIPO Award (Seoul, Korea), Geneva, ITEX Gold, ITEX RamRais Best ICT Invention Award, National Innovation Award, various Gold, Silver and Bronze medals from various national research and innovation exhibitions such as PECIPTA and MATEC.

Postgraduate students (Masters by research and PhD) are vital to the Institute’s research. They are the creative and innovative base on which the Institute is built. As they research, design and develop new inventions and innovations, they stimulate the Institute’s larger research effort and contribute to the advancement of the field in Visual Informatics.  We have been able to attract students both locally and internationally who want to work at the frontier and leading edge research in visual informatics.  Some we fund through the grants that our fellows secured. Some are funded by government scholarships by their respective countries. We have enterprising research fellows wanting to take more students. We look forward to good dedicated students and we always strive to be at the leading edge in the field of Visual Informatics.

The Institute has fostered research collaborations and links with universities and industry both nationally and internationally. We intend to continue and expand these collaborations so that our postgraduate students and research fellows can acquire value added knowledge that will make them innovators and entrepreneurs of the future.