Institute of Visual Informatics

Metaverse Lab

Extended Reality & HCI Research

The Metaverse Lab consist of Extended Reality and HCI Lab facilitates that applied research on Augmented and Virtual Reality, understanding people and their interactions and translating that understanding to inform the design and evaluation of innovative applications, games, and systems. Extended reality is the merging of real and virtual worlds to produce new environments and visualizations, where physical and digital objects co-exist and interact in real time. Human Computer Interaction (HCI) is a discipline concerned with the study, design, construction and implementation of human- centric interactive computer systems. Improvements in HCI technology can lead to enhanced Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) experiences by providing more natural and efficient ways for a user to interact with a real or virtual environment. Facilities include a SMI RED eye tracker, Neuroharmony, EEG Brain Quotient Scan, Autographer Lifelogging Camera, RealWear Smart Glass, Hololens and an OBSERVER® XT. The Extended Reality and HCI Lab offers:

  • AR and VR apps development
  • Metaverse research
  • Usability and Usability Expert Analysis
  • User Experience Evaluation
  • Usability and User Experience Testing
  • User Engagement Measurement
  • Game User Research
  • Psychological Lab Evaluation
  • Pre and Post Launch Analysis
  • Usability Engineering Measurement
  • Physiological Measurements (Biometrics) and Eye-Tracking

Current research projects:

  1. Program: Smart Tourist Experience in Augmented Reality Cultural Heritage Tourism. (lead by Professor Dr. Haslina Arshad under the Konsortium Kecemerlangan Penyelidikan (KKP) by KPT): RM 500,000.00

  1. Pelancongan Alaf Baharu: Teknologi Digital bagi Eko-Pelancongan Gua Musang dan Gua Chiku 2 (GuaTour). (lead by Professor Dr. Haslina Arshad under the Al Hadadiah TradingCompany): RM 60,000.00

  1. A Framework for Designing an Augmented Reality Application Focusing on Object Function for Children with Autism. (lead by Dr. Ummul Hanan Mohamad under the Geran Galakan Penyelidikan (GGP)): RM 30,000.00

  1. Development of AR Funiture Apps. (lead by Professor Dr. Haslina Arshad under the Celex Media Sdn. Bhd. Industrial Grant): RM 50,000.00
  1. Development of Field Service Management Workflow App for Realwear Smart Glass (FSMWear) for Oil and Gas Industries. (lead by Professor Dr. Haslina Arshad under the PETRONAS-Academia Research Grants): RM 200,000.00
  1. Development of Field Service Management Workflow App for RealWear Smart Glass. (lead by Professor Dr. Haslina Arshad under the Innovation Grant): RM 100,000.00
  1. Pembangunan Aplikasi Pembelajaran Pengalaman Persuasif bagi Modul Sokongan Pembuatan Keputusan Pelajar Siswazah. (lead by Associate Professor Dr. Nazlena Mohamad Ali under the Geran Pengajaran & Pembelajaran): RM 10,000.00

  1. Design and Development of an ArtScience Artefact. (lead by Dr. Ahmad Hanif Ahmad Baharin under the AHM Strategies Enterprise Industrial Grant): RM 20,000.00

Past research projects:

  1. Framework of A User Engagement Towards Interacting with Multi-Platform User (lead by Associate Professor Dr. Nazlena Mohamad Ali under the Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
  2. Development of Emotion Driven Trust Model for Persuasive Design Interface (lead by Associate Professor Dr. Nazlena Mohamad Ali under the Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS))
  3. Descriptive and Prescriptive Model of ICT Mediated Familial Bonding for Describing and Analysing the Interplay of Human-Computer Interaction (Lead by Dr Hanif Baharin under the Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS))
  4. Modelling Empowerment through Experience of Playing Digital Games in the Context of Paediatric Cancer Patients (Lead by Dr. Aliimran bin Nordin under the Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS))
  5. Development of A Smart Personalized Digital Educational Package For The Elderly Based on PET (Persuasion, Emotion, Trust) Design Approach (lead by Associate Professor Dr. Nazlena Mohamad Ali under the eSciencefund grant)
  6. Time Flies When You`re Having Fun: Modelling Users` Time Perception in Entertainment Technologies (lead by Dr. Aliimran bin Nordin under the UKM-GGPM Grant).
  7. Visualisation tool on multi-touch tabletops/ horizontal surfaces for Computer Aided Collaborative Leraning (lead by  Prof. Dato’ Dr. Halimah Badioze Zaman).
  8. Motion based application on learning Mathematics for Attenticve Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Learners (lead by Prof. Dato’ Dr. Halimah Badioze Zaman).
  9. Human Computer Interaction (HCI) based on Natural User Interface (TUI) through wearable device in a smart home, in a smart neighbourhood for the elderly (W-Emas) (Lead by  Prof. Dato’ Dr. Halimah Badioze Zaman).

Several IPs have been produced through a research project that has been conducted in this lab; a Copyright for a board game called ‘Do the Right Thing Game.’ and a Copyright for physical computing game called ‘Round-a-Pole.’ These two IPs are produced under the project called “Pembangunan Permainan Digital Bagi Memupuk Kesedaran Tentang Buli di Kalangan Kanak-Kanak Sekolah” (lead by Dr Hanif Baharin under the UKM-GGPI Grant).

In addition, a Copyright Certification on Model Dimensi Hubungan Faktor Keterlibatan Jangka Panjang Dalam Permainan Digital – F.1753, 2018, a Copyright & Trademark Certification on Model Konsepsi Kepercayaan Berasaskan Emosi Bagi Teknologi Pemujukan (EdTM) F.2097, 2018, a Copyright & Trademark Certification on WARGAFIT© App, 2017, a Copyright & Trademark Certification – Menu C-HAT© (Menu Creator for Healthy And Thrifty Diet), 2014, a Copyright & Trademark Certification on Digital Nutritional Education Package for Elderly (WE SIHAT©), 2012 were secured. These copyrights and Trademark Certifications were from projects led by Associate Professor Dr. Nazlena Mohamad Ali.

Past/Current research students (Master and PhD):

  1. Zaid Amin, Development of Tune Attention Model (TAM) in Information Sharing – (Main Supervisor Prof Dr Nazlena Mohamad Ali)
  2. Nita Damayanti, Brain Cognitive Training for Mild Cognitive Impairement for Older Adults -(Main Supervisor: Prof Dr Nazlena Mohamad Ali)
  3. Naveed Ahmad, Games Design for Social Communication Skills in Autism Spectrum Disorder – (Main Supervisor: Prof Dr Nazlena Mohamad Ali)
  4. Mohamad Hidir Mhd Salim, Educational Tool Design based on Persuasive Approach – (Main Supervisor: Prof Dr Nazlena Mohamad Ali)
  5. Jason Ariel A/L Rajendran (Main Supervisor: Dr. Hanif Baharin)
  6. Anis Nur Assila (Main Supervisor: Dr. Aliimran bin Nordin)
  7. Mohd Hafiz Abd Rahman (Main Supervisor: Dr. Aliimran bin Nordin)
  8. Irna Hamil Hamzah (Main Supervisor: Dr. Aliimran bin Nordin)
  9. Ammar Qaraghuli (Main Supervisor: Prof. Dato’ Dr. Halimah Badioze Zaman)
  10. Ahmad Faizal Zainal (Main Supervisor: Prof. Dato’ Dr. Halimah Badioze Zaman)
  11. Aw Kien Sin(Main Supervisor: Prof. Dato’ Dr. Halimah Badioze Zaman)


Metaverse Lab, 3rd Floor, Institute of IR4.0 (IIR4.0), Akademia Siber Teknopolis, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.

Human Computer Interaction Lab, 2nd Floor, Institute of IR4.0 (IIR4.0), Akademia Siber Teknopolis, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.

Contact: Dr. Mohamad Hidir Mhd Salim, Research Fellow, 2nd Floor, Institute of IR4.0 (IIR4.0), Akademia Siber Teknopolis, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. 03 – 8927 2418.