Institute of Visual Informatics

Institute of Visual Informatics (IVI)

Leading Digital Technology Across Industrial Revolution

Motivation Towards ICT Platform Adoption Among Social Entrepreneurs in Malaysia

Headed By Dr. Ummul Hanan Binti Mohamad

Geran Penyelidikan Pusat Perniagaan Sosial Yunus (YCSB@UKM)



In today’s global competition, business enterprises need to establish a strong strategy and be supported by a good ecosystem to continue surviving. This includes social entrepreneurs (SE) that are mainly profit-based organizations that continuously contribute to their social means. To transition towards a more sustainable business ecosystem, the application of sophisticated technology becomes necessary. Among is the adoption of ICT platform to drive the operations and management of social enterprises. Hence, this study aims to determine whether the social entrepreneurs in Malaysia is willing or ready to adopt ICT platform and identify the influencing factors. If they are not motivated to adopt the ICT platform in this digital era, we want to understand the challenges that they faced in adopting the ICT platform and what can be done to initiate that. The study will be performed using a qualitative approach, focusing on in-depth interviews with at least 10 social entrepreneurs in Malaysia. The outcome from this study will impact society, economy and nation. In this digital era, adopting ICT platform enables social enterprises to sustain, grow and continue to contribute towards their social cause. In addition, this study also supports Twelfth Malaysia Plan and Shared Prosperity Vision 2030 to bridge the gap between the B40 and M40 groups in terms of income. Not only that, but this study is also on par with achieving many goals of the global Sustainable Development Goal 2030 for the benefit of society.